Half-Assin' the Holidays

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

I think I've been hungover since Friday. 
wonder why
We went out on the town to our squadron party and did a lot of things that I'm sure I'd regret if I could remember them. It was a fun night, since I love getting dressed up and going out with my husband. 
We ended up staying the night at a condo on the ocean, and it was delicious to sleep in til almost 11am. We were going to do brunch until I realized that I didn't pack clothes to go home in. It was either wear my party dress from the night before, or wear alex's underwear. I chose the latter. Alex walked in Krispy Kreme wearing a questionable looking red leisure suit, and I had on a sorority t-shirt circa 2004 and my husband's underwear on. It was not good.
But these were. I made these my bitch.
We got home and were pleased to find grandparents and grandbabies alive. But everybody got sick. Both babies were sick, and we were sick with hangovers. It was a hell of a day. It's almost as if hangovers and babies don't mix. 
They don't care that you have felt like death all day. There are noses to be picked, woman!

And I'm not going to lie, things didn't get much better later. After we started getting our wits about us and feeling mostly normal, then the babies got sicker. Bobby had croup again, and Vivi has cough and congestion, plus two new teeth shes pushing thru. So there's been a lot of blue around here for the past little while. It's looked a little like this
But really a lot more like this:

There's been a lot of snuggling, night waking, and sheer exhaustion going on around here. After so many days of taking care of miserable, sick little kids, when I don't feel awesome to begin with, I finally kind of checked out for a while and stopped trying to do so much stuff. I was just exhausted. We are finally starting to feel better, and I have high hopes for the rest of the week.

Speaking of week....ONE WEEK til Christmas! One week, and I still haven't finished all my business. Luckily, with the magic of the internet and the postal service, seven days is still plenty of time if you rush an item (or it's 2day shipping for free if you have Amazon Prime).

 I was at an event not long ago, and we were talking about how people rarely bring anything but a bottle of wine for a hostess gift. There's nothing wrong with that. If that's all you can bring for whatever reason, bring it. But after a while, the wine bottle gets a bit redundant. Here are a few ideas that step away from the wine bottle for you to bring your host or hostess for Christmas dinner or a Christmas Eve cocktail party.
 one // two // three // four // five // six // seven //

I am especially fond of the Kate Spade glitter coasters (to match the earrings...aaaahhhh...) and the Beer Greetings. Beer Greetings is essentially the gift bag that you wrap your wine bottle in, except it's a carton and it's for beer. And it has a built-in card. Pretty cute, especially for the dudes. Genius.

I'm just getting around to stuffing our stockings. I have a method to this. First I start with the basics:
a Terry's Chocolate Orange, fun candy canes, duck tape (you just never know), a Christmas ornament to use for next year that is tailored to the person, and Chapstick. 
These items go in every adult stocking. And then I will usually add one or two (depending on price and how many other gifts the person has gotten) wild card stocking stuffers. These are more sparkly and/or comical, slightly more expensive, but just good fun items sized to fit into a stocking. Here are some ideas for those:

one // two // three // four // five // six  // seven // eight // nine

one // two // three // four // five // six // seven // eight // nine

one // two // three // four // five // six // seven // eight // nine

I apologize for being sketchy the past few days. I have just been trying to get everybody well again. But I'm looking forward to chilling tomorrow. We have no plans, and that sounds awesome to me. Maybe we will go scare the neighbors twice in one day. Fresh air does do wonders for the soul. I'm looking forward to my Friday post, because I should be back in my normal Christmas spirit. It'll include Santa! and toys! and good little girls and boys! Fingers crossed there. 
Until then..
Keep on keepin' on!

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