Fitness Thursdays- But It's Christmas!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

With 2014 dwindling down and Christmas and New Year’s approaching, it is easy to put fitness on the back burner.  Thoughts, such as “I’ll start after the New Year”, “But it’s Christmas!”, and “Calories don’t count at Christmas” are exactly what pile on those sneaky pounds.  I get it.  People like to start new fitness routines and diets on Mondays, the New Year, on easily marked occasions.  However, that makes it easy to always put it off just one more day. 

Start today.  Yes, before Christmas.  I’m not telling you to start a crazy new routine now, but start with these few tips to get you through the parties and abundance of food, so fitness isn’t put on the back burner until it's too late. 

1.     People love to hide behind big clothes.  Fat pants, sweat pants, sweatshirts that belong to your husband… Just as it hides your wiggly parts from others, it hides those parts from you!  It is far easier to eat that extra cookie when your pants have stretchy elastic around your waist.  So, wear clothes that accentuate what you like about your body and put that extra cookie down!

2.     We all have a sweet tooth that knocks on occasion.  Some, let that sweet tooth run their lives.  That doesn’t have to be you.  When you need something sweet, try ONE, yes, only one, square of chocolate to suffice that craving.  Make it good, quality chocolate.  Dagoba Mint Chocolate always keeps my sweet tooth happy and health in control.

3.     Oiselle Lux Pants.  These go with #1… Super comfy, but your ass is showcased here.  
You are ready to workout with these on and reminded to say no to that extra cookie.

4.      The Republic of Tea Hot Apple Cider Tea.  ‘Tis the season of drinks: hot chocolate, eggnog, hot toddies, etc.  Those drinks pack on the calories without filling you up, and they are loaded with sugar.  This tea tastes just like its name, and with just a teaspoon of honey, it won’t stick those calories to your waistline or ass.

5.     Tadas!  Workouts are difficult to stick to when family is in town or when winter weather looms.  Short burst exercises will help keep you fit and not take away time.  Tadas are a great core strengthening workout, as well as balancing, and best yet, you can do them in between your morning cup of joe and getting dressed.

6.     Music.  I don’t listen to music on a daily basis or when I’m running.  I usually save it for racing.  However, there are days that are just difficult to get my butt moving, and upbeat music can get you ready to go.  I like to tune into Sketchers Pandora station- it’s free, commercial-free and has a wide range of music that keeps your workout movin’ and groovin’. 
Time to fly,

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