Links & Love & Stuff

Friday, July 31, 2015

Alex left for Vegas yesterday, so I am once again flying solo for a couple of weeks. Hopefully this will be two weeks full of good behavior. I've already said my prayers, crossed my fingers, and done a little rain dance. I like to cover all my bases. And so far, so good. Except for last night, when one of my beasties pooped on the stairs and then in the bath tub. I'll let you guess which one.
We have some fun things planned for this weekend, so hopefully we won't go stir crazy. I didn't post much this week simply because I didn't really feel like it. I have been working on some upcoming items for the Etsy shop, so that's been taking up a lot of my spare time lately. Other than that, I started a diet on Monday. It's not a diet as in a fad diet; it's the old diet known as "stop eating like such a fat-ass." So far it's going pretty well, but I'm dying on the inside a little. My body does not know what to do without candy. I'll keep you posted on whether or not I make it through the weekend. Eek. 
Here's a round up of some fun stuff for this Friday:
  • I'm crushing hard on this denim top. I think it would be great for late Summer all the way thru Fall. I love the chambray and the sleeve length, and it would go with almost everything! 
  • Big Brother. Okay, hear me out, because I know I have staunchly claimed to loathe reality television. And I, I do. But it's not every day when you know a person on a reality tv show. One of Alex's high school/college friends is a house guest on this season of Big Brother, so we pretty much have to watch it, right? And I'll admit that it's kind of addictive. And it's really fun to cheer on a person who you actually know. Plus, Summer is full of crap television and re-runs, so at least there's something on to look forward to. Speaking of, have I mentioned I'm ready for Fall?
  • I'm a hat girl. Panama hats are my personal favorites, mainly because Alex says fedoras remind him of Snooki, and that's the last thing I want to remind anybody of. Typically panama hats look a little more relaxed than fedoras, and I prefer the wider brim. I have a favorite straw one for Summer, but I am on the hunt for a felt one for Fall. This one has caught my eye lately. I like the shape, the brown leather strap, and the price. Plus that means it's even less that I have to wash my hair. #momlife.
  • This post made me laugh out loud when I read it. Having two toddlers has made me into a functional hot mess, and I tell myself daily that this is the day I'm going to get my sh*t together. And then I promise it's going to be tomorrow.
  • I am in LOVE with this adorable deer printed dress! What a cute piece for Vivi to sport for late Summer/early Fall. This one is going on our back-to-school wish list for sure. 
  • Did you read that news story a couple of weeks ago about the owner of a diner yelling at a toddler for pitching a fit? There was a lot of controversy surrounding it, with people applauding her and then other people saying she was way out of line. But honestly, my biggest outrage with the whole situation was that the parents would let their child scream in a restaurant to begin with. This post hits the nail on the head. I thought this was just common sense and common courtesy, but I guess not? It's kind of a guide on how-to not be a parenting asshole. Read it. Live it.
  • recently mentioned how obsessed I am with cherries right now, but that I need a cherry pitter. Enter this guy. It pits up to four cherries at a time, and it can go in the dishwasher. Now it's cherries all the time for everybody around here!
  • These shoes are unique; they aren't quite sandals, but they aren't quite booties. So they would be perfect for the next few months where the calendar says it's Fall, but the weather says it's Summer. They'd be a splurge, but they're fun!
  • I have been searching for a solution for lunch box packing. I have used plastic baggies and tiny tupperware for the past year when I pack Bobby's lunch, and trying to fit everything in his lunch box is like playing a real-life game of Tetris. Except something usually leaks. So I started investigating bento boxes and found one I love. Bentgo Kids is a bento box for toddlers and children that has many different compartments for different foods, and each part is individually sealed off. There's even a little place where you can put condiments like ketchup or ranch dressing, and the best part is that the seals keep anything from leaking--even within each compartment. Also, you can remove the tray and wash it in the dishwasher. That's a huge win for me! It's a little pricey, but totally worth it in the long run. 
  • Another great buy for tots is the Nalgene Kids sippy cup. It's made for on-the-go with a clip, so it's perfect for packing for school. It never leaks and it holds a ton of liquid, making it our favorite sippy cup hands-down! 
  • Aren't these beautiful earrings? They remind me of oysters. Speaking of oysters, I'm ready to eat them and sit by a bonfire with a cold beverage. And last but certainly not least....
  • 35 DAYS TIL COLLEGE FOOTBALL KICKOFF!!!! I am literally counting down the seconds on an iPad app, and I couldn't be more excited! 
I hope you have a great weekend full of fun and air conditioning! XOXO

1 comment:

  1. Why did you have to show me those shoes????? I need a second job so I can buy them!


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