Wet, Hot, American Summer

Monday, July 27, 2015

I haven't written a ton of posts lately because life has been crazy, and we are soaking every bit of Summer that is left until nursery school begins next month. Once that happens, I'm officially done with Summer and its disgustingness. 

We have been busy doing lots of nothing. We've spent hours playing in the dirt outside; we've put the pool to good use; and we have beat the hell out of every splash pad in a 20-mile radius. Some of our old friends came and visited us recently, bringing along their toddler, who is a little older than Vivi. We had the best time just drinking some beers, hanging around the house and pool with them, and catching up. I love those friends who you can go awhile without seeing, yet nothing ever changes. Plus, it was so fun watching our beasties play. The three kiddos had so much fun together! And I think Vivi has found the man she is going to marry. He is awfully forward, but I don't want to be the person who comes between true love :)
And yes, if there's a child picking his nose somewhere, I'll bet you $10 that he is my spawn.
 I made a peanut butter cake recently that was to die for--recipe to come soon!
The kiddos are bronze everywhere except where their little swim diapers cover, but there's nothing better than getting mooned by a bright, white baby derriere. 
Seriously, her affinity for dirt is beginning to get out of hand.
 My favorite thing about Summer is all the fresh fruits that are in season. We've been putting strawberries (and homemade whipped cream) on top of nearly everything! Berries are so good in a summer salad, too, so I've been trying to eat a lot more of those lately. But fresh shortcakes are so much more fun.
Another fruit I'm really into now is cherries. I don't know how I've ignored them for so long. I guess the labor-intensiveness of getting the pit out has kept me away from them in the past, but I have decided to get over my laziness and turn a negative into a positive. I'm a snacker, especially after dinner. I eat because I get bored and want something to do with my hands. So I've started eating cherries instead of candy. It takes a while to take the stem off and get the pit out, so it gives me something mindless to do when I'm bored and want to eat. I figure eating cherries has got to be healthier than the Reddi-Whip orgies I have in the middle of the night sometimes, right? Baby steps. 
We've been taking fresh fruit outside and having picnics in the late afternoons once it starts to cool off. I don't love being outside in the heat, so the only way I can bribe myself into it is if food is involved.  Unfortunately, the kiddos have become intrigued with cherries lately, as well. They aren't as kid friendly as most fruits, so I'm now on the hunt for a cherry pitter. Until I find that, they're a mama-only fruit. My picnic blanket got covered in seeds and juice.
Lesson learned. 

There aren't many days left in July, and then comes my most-dreaded month of August, which I am choosing to just completely ignore altogether this year. It's been a great, wet, hot, American Summer, but I'm kind of over it now. Have I mentioned we're ready for Fall?!

Hope you have a great week!

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