It's hard to believe that my littlest baby turned two today! In some ways, it feels like I just brought her home from the hospital, but in other ways, it feels like she's been part of our family forever.
At two years old, Vivien Louise is the biggest hot mess I've ever seen, and I mean that in the most endearing way possible. She's a hoot, and she marches to the beat of her own drum. She rolls in her own special way, and, believe me, she doesn't give a sh*t whether you like it or not. Which makes her all the more adorable. I've never met a person so free spirited. We definitely chose the right name for our lady baby--Vivien stems from the Latin verb, vivere, which means "to live." And our tiny human cat lover is full of life, that's for sure!
She is currently 100% obsessed with kitties, and has acquired quite the collection at this point. She meows incessantly, and can do a spot-on impersonation of Grumpy Cat, complete with a hiss. I am, however, beginning to wonder if she's taking the cat obsession to an unhealthy level, as she has recently taken to licking my legs whenever I sit down. But I guess she could have worse hobbies. Like Playdoh eating, which she also totally does.
One of Vivi's favorite activities is eating, and she enjoys the finer things in life, like Gouda and Brie, noodles, cake, fruit, and cured meats. I usually make her eat a balanced meal, but it is pretty funny how she immediately goes for the good stuff. She's definitely my kid.
She spends a lot of time looking at her books, and she loves when we read to her. She also really loves music and enjoys singing anything, especially our own special version of "The Wheels on the Bus," which somehow includes cats and elephants and zebras. I don't think zebras are supposed to be on the bus, but who am I to judge? She is quick to hop on our piano and play a little ditty, and sometimes I could swear she is actually playing real music. I think she may be our family musician in a few years.
At two, Viv definitely is in full-blown toddler mode. She is prone to the typical tantrums of any two year old; we still aren't 100% positive that she won't turn out to be a serial killer, but I think we are almost out of the woods there. Unlike Bobby at this age, Vivi's tantrums are hilarious and video-worthy. It's hard to look at her with a straight face, and it's impossible to be mad at her because she's so ridiculous. There's definitely something different about a little girl in that respect. I usually have to turn my head and laugh so she doesn't see me.
She isn't without a few idiosyncrasies at this stage of life. She has the curly afro hair of a 1960s Bob Dylan, and she has a raspy little voice. Whenever she gets cornered into doing something she dislikes, she panics and says, "Oooookaaaaayyy," in a really aggressive way that sounds identical to Lil Jon, circa 2005. She has the cutest little lisp when she says the word please (sounds like pleathse); she is a consummate iPhone disabler; and she loves ripping off her diaper in public. She also knows all her ABCs, can count to 20 (although she leaves out numbers 14-17 because they are worthless), and confidently thinks that every single color is yellow.
Most of all, she does everything big. Her big brown eyes sparkle, and her smile is big and infectious. Even her emotions are big, including her love--she loves her mama and daddy, grandparents, and especially her big brother.
Happy second birthday, my sweet little Vivi Lou.
I knew you were special the moment I laid eyes on you.