Fitness Thursdays- Rid the Arm Jiggle

Thursday, January 29, 2015

As The Boy and I were spending a delightful day at the park, I overheard a couple of women talking about how they just can’t seem to find the motivation to add weights into their routines.  As the discussion continued, one woman lamented to the other that she hates how her arms jiggle underneath, but she just doesn’t know how to get rid of it. 

I contemplated inserting myself into the conversation, but then I thought I would seem a) nosey for listening and b) creepy, because how the hell do they know I actually know what I’m talking about.  Perhaps I should start carrying around my credentials to pass out when I hear conversations such as these? 

Arm jiggle is a common worry amongst women.  First, it isn’t as bad as you think.  Even women with very fit arms will have jiggle as they wave.  It’s called gravity and your skin and muscles aren’t cement.  So, give yourself somewhat of a break!  Second, there is an extremely easy lift to combat that jiggle, and you’ve known how to do it since you were a kid…

Arm circles!  Funny how I can still hear the groans of certain individuals from my Sculpt class as I say this.  Yes, arm circles with the addition of hand weights can firm up the underside of your arm quick as a flash with some consistency. 

To pick the right weight (after all, you don’t want to hurt your shoulder in the process), choose a light weight, like 2 or 3lbs (For instance, I use 6lbs and lift routinely).  Holding it with your non-dominant hand’s palm facing down and arm out straight in front of your body, lift that weight straight over your head.  If you can do this 3-4 times without thrusting your back, that’s the perfect weight for you.  If it’s too easy, go up a pound. 

Holding a weight in each hand, have your arms out to the side and do arm circles with palms facing up.  Then, palms facing down.  Make big circles, make little circles, switch directions.  In between circles, hold the weights out with straight arms and pause to the count of 10. 

Consistency is key here. Do this 3 times a week after your run, or Sun Salutations or whenever your child is busy playing cars for a minute or two. 

Time to fly,

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