Pass the 'Nog

Friday, December 5, 2014

I think they have it out for me. The beasties, I mean. They don't want me to accomplish anything. I am STILL slowly trying to claw myself out of the Pit of Despair that is my house during Christmas decorating. Do you ever feel like you are trying to do so much, but despite your most valiant efforts, nothing is coming out the way you want it? I feel like I'm trying to get too much done, and I end up just running in circles, and nothing is really getting accomplished. It's mostly due to the one-man wrecking crew that lives in our house. 

The one picking his nose.
It's going slowly but surely. Maybe by December 24th I will have it all put together, just in time to take it down. Our first order of business was going to the tree farm and picking out our Christmas wreath. We finally compromised and decided to use our fake Japanese Christmas tree one more year before we start going down the real-only route for the rest of our lives. I am not a fan of the fake Christmas tree. I was raised going out to the tree farm and cutting a tree down. It was a long, drawn out affair every year that probably left my parents cursing themselves (it really is SO much easier to go fake), but I have the warmest memories of selecting our family tree. We got my very first fake Christmas tree when we lived in Okinawa, where you have to stand in a Black Friday-esque line for hours to get a real Christmas trees, and the trees arrive on a boat and are usually very moldy. It just wasn't worth it, so we snagged a fake tree that we have only used once. I wanted to get a real tree this year, but Alex wanted to save money and use the fake tree that we already had (typical dude), so after much debate, we decided to compromise. We are using the fake tree this year, but we went and picked out a real wreath for the front door. And we are going to get a real tree from next year until we are senile. Which might be sooner than later.

I was really excited to take Bobby to the tree farm, because I knew he would love it, and he did. He ran around, and it was kind of like trying to find a mouse in a maze. 

We picked out a beautiful wreath for the front door (pictures of that to come), and I was thrilled that the Christmas Tree Man let me take as many pine clippings as I wanted. 

That is the easiest, most rustic-chic, cheapest way to decorate for the holidays. The only other thing I have accomplished so far in the way of decor is getting our stockings and garland up over the mantle. Now, this is such an easy DIY fix. See how limp and blah the original garland is?

All it takes is a few clippings from a Christmas tree. You stick them in your garland, and it makes it look full, fresh, and totally real. Alex said he can't even pick out the fake garland underneath it.

Try going to your tree farm and asking for the clippings that are leftover. Most places should let you take them for free, since they are just going to toss them. 

Another thing I love about the Christmas season is homemade eggnog. Eggnog is one of those things like licorice or Angelina Jolie. You either love it or hate it. I love it. I love it in the grocery store, heavily-processed and pasteurized form. I love it in candy. I love it in cake. But I love it most homemade.

 I started making homemade eggnog maybe ten years ago, and I've never looked back. I make it nearly every week during the month of December. It's so easy, and it tastes significantly better than the grocery store kind. There are a couple of ways you can make it. You can cook it, or you can make it raw. Not everyone is into raw eggs, and pregnant women/children/elderly/allergic people probably should stick to the cooked version. But I love the raw version the most. It's so delightful. (Recipe at the bottom of the post. It's the recipe I have been making for 10 years, but I'm pretty sure it either originated from Southern Living or Food Network.)

 I made some yesterday, right after eating my protein bar and vowing to eat healthfully during the holiday season. Yeah, okay. I needed something to wash down the protein bar splinters. And it's made with eggs and milk, so you know it's heavy in protein and calcium.

And saturated fats, but who's keeping score?
It was so delicious, but then I decided that something was amiss from my little afternoon cocktail party for one. So Bobby and I made Peppermint Bark Rice Crispie Treats to balance things out. And by "Bobby and I made," I mean he threw Rice Crispies all over my floor and crushed them with his trucks while I cooked. 

 These are SO easy, and they are really yummy. They are simple Rice Crispie Treats, but you add in a few handfuls of crushed peppermints (they sell them already crushed up in a bag at Walmart, and it saves a ton of time) along with melted white chocolate into the pot when you are melting the butter and marshmallows. I'm assuming everyone knows how to make traditional Rice Crispie treats, so I won't insult your intelligence by posting a recipe. Anyhow, you just add those two extra ingredients into the pot, then add in the Rice Crispie cereal, and stir. The little straw sticks are optional, of course, but Bobcat is in a phase where he will only entertain homemade snacks with straws on them. Brat.

On my Love List this week:
  1. This Hungarian Mushroom Soup  recipe: Alex is Hungarian, and his favorite meal in the whole world is Hungarian Chicken Paprika. So when I saw this recipe on Pinterest, I knew I had to make it for him. Holy crap, it's amazing. If you like Cream of Mushroom Soup and/or paprika, this will be your jam. Alex and I both agreed that this is, hands down, the best soup we've ever had. So. Dang. Good. 
  2. This Let's Get Lit shirt: Because that's how I'm feeling this December.
  3. This What I Ate list: I need this in the worst way. It probably wouldn't help now, as my diet is shot to hell for the rest of the year. But maybe it would help some of you keep yourselves in check over the Christmas season. I think I may get it for myself come January 1st, though.
  4. Scentsicles: If you don't have the pleasure of enjoying a real Christmas tree this year, then no fear! Try Scentsicles. I saw them at Walmart and snagged a set, put them in our sad, fake tree, and wow! They really do make our house smell like Christmas. 
  5. This crystal headband: My sweet mama surprised me with the headband out of nowhere. Don't you love how mamas do that? I am not typically a headband girl, mainly because I feel like they always try to slip off my head and are more effort than they are worth. But this headband is heavy and sturdy. It ain't going anywhere. I love head accessories, because they detract from my sweet baldspots and the fact that I shower like once a year. This headband is really beautiful, and you can wear it like a traditional headband, or you can wear it across your forehead in a boho-esque fashion. I'm looking forward to sporting it this Christmas!
  6. This wool shawl: Yeah, the weather is bipolar, but this wool shawl would be awesome for when it inevitably gets cold again randomly next week.
  7. This pug dress: I know that it is for kids and wouldn't fit Vivi, but I am obsessed with this pug printed dress. So much that I almost want to buy it and wait for her to be able to fit in it in 5 years.
  8. This copper firewood bucket: We are going to attempt building real fires once it gets cold again. This could be an absolute shit show with Bob. I would love this copper firewood bucket to place beside the fireplace, but I'm afraid it is going to be a no-go, due to 1) it's too expensive, and 2) I an already see Bobby getting splinters and me cursing myself every five minutes. But I can dream. 
We are looking forward to my parents coming to visit tomorrow. They are coming to help me clean and finish decorating (or watch the kids while I do it). Either way will be a ton of help. And while they're here, I think Alex and I may go on a movie date and to dinner. It's much-needed. Also, we are really looking forward to watching Christmas Vacation. Clark Griswold always gives me a huge laugh and gets me in the Christmas spirit. And I may make a little eggnog fudge, since I have so much leftover eggnog. We will see. 

Have a great weekend!
Keep on keepin' on!

4 egg yolks
1/3 cup sugar, plus 1 tablespoon
1 pint whole milk
1 cup heavy cream
3 ounces bourbon
1 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
4 egg whites*

*In the bowl of a stand mixer, beat the egg yolks until they lighten in color. Gradually add the 1/3 cup sugar and continue to beat until it is completely dissolved. Add the milk, cream, bourbon and nutmeg and stir to combine.
*Place the egg whites in the bowl of a stand mixer and beat to soft peaks. With the mixer still running gradually add the 1 tablespoon of sugar and beat until stiff peaks form.
*Whisk the egg whites into the mixture. Chill and serve.

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