Jingle Bell Jog & $75 GIVEAWAY!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

This is our LAST Saturday of this 6-month time not living as a family, and the Boy and I decided to send this TDY out in style with a fun-filled morning. 

First on our agenda, get some donuts!  I love being healthy, and I don’t ever crave donuts, so on my own, I’ll never stop for them.  But, The Boy, like all children, loves donuts, and I love seeing his face light up as he picks out his own and picks out one for me.  And yes, I do eat donuts with him.  I’m not a joy killer.  That would be super lame if I didn’t partake. 
If the food is colorful (in colors that no food can be in nature), children will choose it... As will my husband.   
Next up, the Jingle Bell Jog 10k Race in Fort Walton Beach.  I get a big kick out of it when a race official tells me to move in the back since I have the stroller.  Usually, I respond kindly that I’ll keep to the side.  However, the benefit of running local races and seeing the same faces is that other runners come to your defense!  So, sure enough, I had a runner right next to me tell the woman, “Don’t worry, she’ll be in front of all of us by mile one.”  Thank you, sir, and yes, you are correct. 
With his medal.   He ain't getting lighter in that stroller.
I was the 1st woman to cross the finish line and the 5th person overall.  It wasn’t a top time since the stroller isn’t exactly aerodynamic, but I was happy!  Just prior to the finish line (I checked my 6 to make certain another woman wasn’t close behind to take my win), I grabbed The Boy out of the stroller, so he could race across the finish line on his own two legs.  What a joy to watch him race across, have people cheer for him and high-five him!  He immediately said, “Let’s do it again, Mommy!  Go!  Go be runners!” 

I love the races they put on here, because of its proximity to a great park and area to watch the boats.  With Christmas coming this month, they have all of the trees wrapped in lights, which we got to watch them do a couple of weeks ago when we visited the park… We watched the WHOLE process, because they were utilizing a cherry picker truck, and if you have a boy, you know the importance of watching all that truck can do.   
This park is the best!
 Now, for the giveaway… With my run, I won a 3-Month Membership to Gold’s Gym in either Fort Walton Beach or Destin.  This is worth about $75.  I won’t use it with our schedule, so time to enjoy being able to give a gift of fitness this Christmas! 

Message me, email me or comment below with your fitness goals, and I’ll contact the winner to pop it into the mail! 

Time to fly,

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