Holiday White Russians

Friday, December 12, 2014

Those who know me really well know that my favorite alcoholic drink in the whole world is a White Russian. I don't know if my love for them stems from the Big Lebowski or the fact that I have the palette of a refined six year-old, but the White Russian is my go-to drink order if I need to make a boozing decision fast. It's an adult milkshake, which means that they can really sneak up on you if you aren't paying attention. It's a very 70's Disco Era-style drink that makes me think of shaggy carpeting, bowling, and a large man in a bathrobe. Can't go wrong there. 

My friend, Kate, who is my spirit animal (she also loves Star Wars, Lebowski, and pugs), was getting crazy one Christmas and thought it would be fun to substitute eggnog for heavy cream. And you know what? It was AWESOME. It's just your standard White Russian, but made festive for the holiday season. I now drink Eggnog White Russians every Christmas. 

Eggnog White Russian
1 part  Kahlúa - 2 parts Vodka - 1 part Eggnog
Fill a rocks glass with ice. With the help of  vodka and a kick of Kahlúa, float eggnog on top to create the iconic classic. Swirl with a straw to mix up a perfect storm.

The other fun switcheroo you can make to your White Russian for the holidays is to make a Peppermint White Russian. Kahlua puts out flavored options during the holiday seasons, and their Peppermint Kahlua is divine.You start off by rimming your glass with crushed peppermints (I use Karo syrup to make the peppermint stick to the glass). And then I tossed in a few peppermints on top of the cocktail.

Peppermint White Russian
1 part  Peppermint Kahlúa - 2 parts Vodka - 1 part Heavy Cream
Fill a rocks glass with ice. With the help of  vodka and a kick of Kahlúa, float thick cream on top to create the iconic classic. Swirl with a straw to mix up a perfect storm.

I drink White Russians so often that I usually make them with milk instead of cream to cut down on calories. It's good with whole milk, and honestly, I think it's just fine with skim, too. But you should definitely try it with full-fat eggnog, because it's amazing. Have I steered you wrong yet?

In other news, Bobby doesn't quite understand the concept of sharing just yet. He shares food when he's not supposed to. I turned around to get my cakes out of the oven, and 15 seconds later saw Vivi chowing down on her first piece of pizza. He's bad about handing her the food he doesn't want. He particularly loves doing this with Lucky Charms. He eats all the marshmallows out and hands her the cereal pieces. It's actually pretty genius. 

But then he also has started taking away toys and other things she is playing with. She was playing with this tree branch, and when he took it from her, all hell broke loose. I tried to explain sharing to him, but I think he's just too little to understand the concept.

I had a mishap with my cocktail party dress. There was a misunderstanding between the customer service representative and me. It wasn't really anybody's fault; just an accident. But bottom line is that we have a Christmas party to go to this weekend, and I was dress-less at the last minute. I went shopping last night, and couldn't find any dresses that fit my shape. I must be turning into an old lady, because all of the salesgirls thought I was nuts when I asked for a dress that isn't offensively short and has sleeves. Almost all the dresses out at the stores right now are ridiculous. I just don't want to show my underpants. That's the only criteria. It shouldn't be this hard! After literally finding NO dresses, I finally landed on something that is very out of the box for me. A crop top and high waisted skirt. I've never worn anything like this before, but it is surprisingly cute, and I'm looking forward to wearing it. Just finished my festive mani :)

 Essie Urban Jungle topped with Essie Jazzy Jubilant

Today's Friday Favorites include:
1) This Record Carrying Case- Bobby has a collection of vinyls, but we don't really have a place to store them. This would be perfect.
2) This cute little bow beanie
3) This pom pom beanie - I almost bought this at h&m the other day. I need a new beanie hat, and I think this may end up being the winner. Much more economical than the Kate Spade bow one.
4) This sequined blazer- As I get older (and fatter), I enjoy showing my arms less and less. That's the thing I love most about winter: being able to wear blazers and cover my arms. (Yeah, maybe I should just work out, but that seems like a lot of work). I have a closet full of blazers, and I would love adding this to it, but I don't need it. Where exactly are we drawing the line between "need" and "want," though?
5) These ombre glitter nail polishes- I played with this entire collection of nail polishes at Sephora the other day (can you tell I have a minor nail polish obsession?), and they are stunning. They're a little pricey for polish, so I didn't buy, but they would make a good gift, ahem..ahem..The rose gold color is the prettiest.
6) This poppy wallpaper - We have this peony wallpaper in Vivi's nursery, and I adore it. It's the prettiest. But the poppy wallpaper would be fun for an older child (or a nearly 30-year old woman..).

We are looking forward to dressing up and barhopping thru the night for the first time in a hundred years, maybe taking the beasties to the Festival of Trees, and eating the dark chocolate orange cake that I just made my mama for her birthday. I think it's going to be sinfully good. But for now, I must starve so that my belly doesn't hang out of my crop top. Blah.

Happy Weekend!
Keep on keepin' on!

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