Red, White, & Blueberries

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Well, yesterday was the day that consisted of four meltdowns (from me), three outfit changes (per beastie), two gallons of water dumped out of the bathtub when I had my head turned, and one early bed time. But we survived! I went to bed saying some serious prayers to Jesus and telling myself "Tomorrow is another day!" Any day that I can quote Scarlett O'Hara wasn't a total waste. 
Today is already much better, as Bobby is enjoying his first day of summer school, while Vivi and I do some hard-core relaxing at home. I have cried all the tears I have left in my body, have re-grouped, and have decided that the rest of this week is going to be great. Then I started thinking about the past few days and how ONE bad day out of two weeks isn't really that bad. We've had a lot of fun the past couple of weeks with our friends, and we have been keeping ourselves busy busy. 
ruffle chambray bloomers
The other day we went to Seaside for the morning for some frolicking. Seaside is the quaintest little beach spot in the whole state of Florida. They have an awesome farmer's market, but best of all--the FOOD TRUCKS. Honestly, the food trucks were the entire reason for the drive over there. I ate from the grilled cheese truck, and my bacon-and-Brie grilled cheese sandwich was to die for. I washed it down with a creamsicle soda, and I didn't even regret it later. 
The only downside to the venture was that it was SO hot. Miserably hot. But the kids didn't seem to mind. Bobby spent most of the outing flirting with the lady at the blueberry stand and scored lots of free blueberries, while Vivi did a lot of digging in the dirt. And girlfriend ate half of my grilled cheese sandwich; she gave the bacon-and-Brie two thumbs up. 
We have been sporting our red, white, & blues already because it's just so fun and classic to wear at this point in the Summer. There is only a little bit of time until the Fourth, and we are dying to hit the beach soon! Here are a few other Patriotic duds I have my eyes on for the bebes and myself. Those Melissa flats are to die for!

 These felt Summer popsicles are also the cutest addition to any little kitchen! 

And then what would Summer be without a floating beer pong barge?

Here's hoping that the rest of the week is smooth sailing! We are looking forward to dinner with friends tonight and my mama stopping by tomorrow. And cheers to Summer School! Woohoo!

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