I might be dying...

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Ugh. I am sick, and not your just-a-little-cold sick.  The Boy brought home some cold last week, which we weathered over the course of two days.  The nights were the hardest, but during the day, The Boy acted as though everything was fine.

And then, the sickness morphed into some parent-killing bug that is after my husband and me.  Usually, my husband avoids catching the colds brought home by our little guy… He acts as though we have the plague with the slightest cough.  He practically puts on a hazmat suit during his interactions at home.  I don’t blame him; sick days are inexistent for him. 

However, this time, there was no avoiding it as The Boy sneezed so suddenly into my husband’s open mouth, that I immediately said, “There.  You have it now.”  I admit it; I laughed a little on the inside, but that was before I knew this bug had morphed into the killing machine it feels like it is.  My husband is a day behind me with this sickness (I already got the germs with all of the kisses, water-bottle sharing, and utter lack of a hazmat suit), and I am acting the role of the misfortune cookie as I know the next day holds only worse things to come. 

You know what the worst thing is about colds like this?  The one thing you need is sleep, and that is the one thing that is impossible.  You fall asleep with your nose stuffed, mouth open only to wake 45 minutes later to a pillow soaked in slobber, choking on snot that is like glue coating your throat.  Gross, huh?  But you know you’ve done it. 

To make matters worse, I feel like The Boy is judging us for our reactions to this sickness.  After all, he played during the day like nothing was bothering him, other than the mommy that was chasing him around with a tissue.  I can’t seem to get across to The Boy that whatever he had was just using him as a pawn to get into our home in order to wreak havoc on the adult population.  I think even the elderly dog has it since he also lets out groans every time The Boy yells, “Time to play chase!” 

I don’t like medicine.  I won’t even take Advil.  So, I’m trying to drown this sucker with green tea, lollipops that claim to have 300% Vitamin C, and The Boy’s vitamin gummies. 

Right now, the only thing that seems to be working is when I tell The Boy that I don’t feel well, he always wraps his arms around me for a hug, and says, “Do you feel well now, Mommy?”  That hug and proper use of “well” just make me glow. 

Hope you all are staying healthy.  My apologies if this bug has morphed again and can now travel via blog reading. 

Time to fly (straight to the couch with tea),

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