Fitness Thursdays- The Eights

Thursday, November 13, 2014

One of the great benefits of working out is boosted immunity!  With cold and flu season approaching, that is something we all could use.  I never used to get sick (seriously, like once a year sniffles) until my son became mobile, and then the world of germs hit our home! 

There are times when I even think the poor dog gets the germs he brings home...
Harlan, we still have more work to do!  (You can go ahead and swoon over this cute picture; I know I did.)
Especially now that he attends “school” one day a week, those little germ factories we call children are just waiting to infect entire houses… But in keeping with why we love our children, they sure give us germs in the best possible ways.  My favorite germ-sharing phrases from my son have been:
  • “Mommy, let me kiss you.” <-- This means I’m to hold perfectly still while a slobbery kiss is planted upon my face somewhere.
  • “Mommy, I want to feed you.” <-- Always from his plate using his fork.
  • “Mommy, be a monster.  Bite my fingers.” <-- The fingers that have been to the playground, in his mouth, sharing toys, etc.  We wash hands a lot in this house, but you just can’t prevent germs on those adorable fingers, and if my son wants me to be a finger-biting monster, well, you best watch your fingers. 

 I won’t get into the facts (you can read an article here), because there's a workout to get into to!  Boosted immunity!  Health!  Let’s go!

*I feel it important to note that as the sole adult and my son not at a camera-operating age, you should be quite impressed with the less-than-stellar photos of me trying to show you GOOD FORM and how to do the lift.  
* The resistance band (and I tried to show it in some of the pictures) is held by stepping on the band with your feet.  Holding it with two feet vs. one foot will increase the resistance. 

Workout: The Eights with Cardio

10 minutes x 2 or 3- treadmill or bike (This is at your speed!  Push out of your comfort level.  Even if a 4 mph walk is hard work, you are doing the workout!)

            -     2 minutes warm-up
            -     1 minute sprint
            -     2 minutes recover
            -     2 minutes sprint
            -     1 minute recover
            -     1 minute sprint
            -     1 minute recover

The Eights (8 movements, each movement is 8 repetitions, repeat the cycle at least 4 times- the goal is to get 8 x 8!)

-       Bicep curls

-       Rows

-       Squats

-       Chest press

-       Shoulder press

-       Lunges (right leg)

-       Lunges (left leg)
-       Abs

When I do this routine, I start with cardio, go through the Eights 4 times, back to cardio, back to Eights 4 times, and finish with cardio.  All together, that is about 40-45 minutes.    Lifts, especially if you are new, are better done slower with concentration on form. 

If you do not have a treadmill or bike at your disposal and still want to accomplish this workout at home during naptime, substitute a quick pulse-raising movement, such as jumping jacks, burpees or mountain climbers for 1 minute cycles with 30 seconds of rest in between and repeat the cycle 3-5 times. 

I get about 75 minutes worth of nap a day, so I make my workouts count.  I can do this one, shower and drink a cup of tea all before wake-up time!  
Speaking of time...
Time to fly,

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