a new year..ish

Friday, January 2, 2015

New Year's Eve has come and gone..for everyone except me. I'm an all-or-nothing girl, and I hate to start life-changing projects mid-week. New Year's Day on a Thursday is bananas. So I've made the executive decision that the new year starts on Monday. That gives me the rest of the weekend to live like a hedonist. And then shit's getting real.
I prefer to not use the term "resolution," because that seems a little too severe and serious to me. Life with two babies can't be too serious; you have to roll with the punches and accept defeat on a daily basis, so I am in no position to resolve. I prefer to use the term "goal." And I have a lot of goals to begin on Monday.
1) Eat less sugar- This one is big for me. I have a severe sugar addiction, and I don't use the term "addiction" loosely. Doctors have told me I need to chill out; dentists have warned me. I have done 40-day sugar detoxes in the past, and after the initial couple weeks of misery, it's worked great. But the itch to eat sugar is always in the back of my mind, and I always give back in and get sucked down the rabbit hole. I'm not making any ridiculous claims to give up all sugar this year, but I'm setting a goal to eat less of it.
2) Exercise more- I move a lot. Surely if you have a toddler, you can agree that you don't get a lot of time to sit around and eat bon bons. But organized exercise is not my favorite. I always get these grand ideas at around 9pm of all the exercise I'm going to do the next morning, and then I wake up and drag my feet around it all the next day. But my goal is to start out with long walks every day. I am going to buy a pedometer or some kind of app that will track me (suggestions, please), and I am going to set goals for each week (i.e.-I need to walk X number of miles a week). And then if I feel ballsy, I may start jogging some. But baby steps for now.
3) Stop eating after seven- Oy, this is another big one for me. I can be a sensible eater all day until about 9 pm, and then I throw caution to the wind and suck down mouthfuls of Reddi-Whip. (Side note- do NOT even pretend to judge me. If you are telling me that you can have a can of Reddi-Whip in your refrigerator without ever putting the nozzle to your lips, then you, my friend, should be gearing up for sainthood. And I flat out don't believe you, because that's just not natural).
4) Eat more fruits and veggies- I have a disease that makes eating fruits/veggies/anything acidic/anything with potassium really painful (no, not kidding), so I find myself none too eager to eat much of these things. But with that said, I'm afraid that my body is going to whither away and get some kind of stomach cancer if I don't eat more of them, so I am going to face the pain head-on and start forcing myself to eat more of the good stuff.

1) Discipline consistently- I am a huge advocate of disciplining my child when he needs it, and I do..most of the time. I admit, however, that I am not always the most consistent at it. And I really think that consistency is key (at least with my toddler). But man, is it hard. My biggest issue is that he is almost always at his most mischievous whenever I have my hands tied with the baby. I have a hard time juggling a baby and the misbehavior of a toddler. So sometimes things slide simply because I can't address it at that very second. It is a huge goal of mine to be more consistent with discipline, because I don't think it's fair to discipline only sometimes for the same action. It's confusing and unfair to everyone. I don't know how to go about it whenever I am elbows deep in poo, trying to keep my twisting naked baby from scooting off of the changing table, while my toddler is on the kitchen counter eating hand sanitizer and unrolling fresh roll of paper towels. But, yeah, that's my goal.
2) Don't set my kids up for failure- I love having a well-decorated house. Bobby does not. This phase of life isn't going to last forever, and I have decided that it's just easier on everyone involved if I chill out with putting tempting things in arm's reach of a toddler. The temptation is gone, there is less room for trouble, there will be less punishment, less yelling, fewer headaches. The only downside is that my house will look like a frat house, which makes me kind of sad. But I'm setting a little kid up for failure if I have tempting fun-looking things at his disposal, yet punish him when he messes with them. Same with outings. If I know that my toddler is going through a phase of poor behavior in public, maybe I should just complete my grocery runs while he's at school and not even put him in the position. Not for life, but just for a little while.

1) Dress better-I am going to put on real clothes in public. End of story.
2) Keep a cleaner car-My car is a rolling petri dish, and I'm going to clean out the Cheez-Its that have been ground into the carpet for a year and a half, and I'm not going to look back.

1) Curse less-I curse under my breath way too much. Granted, it's completely warranted most of the time. But I'm going to try to curb that a bit.

What are your goals?
I am so excited to start a new year, and I cannot wait to see what 2015 holds for us!
On Monday.


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