A Little Yogging Saturday

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Oy, I hurt.  At about mile 8, I knew there was no going back; If I continued the pace I was keeping, the rest of today was going to be a bit of a challenge, but my decision was made when I looked at the clock and realized I could make my goal time of a sub 1:40 half marathon. 

Timberlake Half Marathon
November 22, 2014
Racing used to be so different pre-kid.  I would run, meander a bit, come home to a nice long shower and snooze away.  But now… It has been six hours since I finished racing, and I have yet to shower.  I washed my face, but that was as far as I got before the requests to play “cars” was made.  But, I don’t know of a greater joy than having a hug from my little person, a true gasp of “ooooooh” as I show him my medal, a tiny “I love you too, mommy” just before nap.

I won’t be one of those "you don't know what you're missing" people who insists you have children.  If you don’t want kids just yet or ever, that’s cool.  You’ll have all the time in the world to shower, and sometimes, that’s enviable.  Just know that if that day comes when you don’t get to shower, because there is a little someone who needs you, you will think it is completely and totally worth it.

Back to the running part, if you live in NW Florida or have plans to visit, you should know that the Northwest Florida Track Club puts on some stellar races.  I’ve ran a lot of races, and these guys have their sh** together in the best possible way.  The races are very planned-out, safe and the end is always filled with great beer, food and schwag. 

And, I’m a convert…. I’m almost embarrassed to admit to this if it wasn’t so cool, but arm warmers are my new go-to running apparel.  I never thought there was a use for them; either wear long-sleeves, short-sleeves or pack a jacket.  But, I had never lived in Florida either, where the temps can be kind of breezy in the morning and shortly heat up. 

I wore these beauties at the beginning and quickly shed them by mile 2.  I tied them together and kept them in my hand to use as a very beautiful nose-wiper.  Don’t worry, I wash them.  You probably shouldn’t borrow them, however. 

If the price has you gasping, just remember that these cool beauties make every short-sleeved shirt a long-sleeved shirt.  That’s how I justified it, but now I can hold my head up proudly without needing justification.  They are cool.  And, Oiselle makes the BEST women’s running clothes I have found. More on that later. 

I hope your Saturday has been filled with love, laughter and perhaps a shower (but if you haven’t showered, no judgments here for sure).

Time to fly,


  1. Yay post 30 PRs! Congrats friend. I'm glad they had beer and not tea and soup...

    1. Post 30? You calling me old? Wish we could catch a run together and a beer! But, I'll take that tea and soup any day if that means I'm racing in Japan!

  2. I'm a long way from my PR life, but I sure am loving some of these "no shower" days!

    1. Showering is overrated... There is a reason for dry shampoo.


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