Friday Favorites

Friday, September 23, 2016

This week started off strong and then kind of fizzled out a little bit for us. 
My parents, who are life-long lovers of the Gulf Coast, finally decided to give the Atlantic Ocean a shot and rent a condo in Jax Beach so that they could be close to us and spend more time with us. Now, if you've never been to a Gulf Coast beach, I feel sorry for you. I've visited and lived at beaches all over the place, and I can honestly say that the Gulf Coast beaches of Florida are the most beautiful in the whole world. The ocean is emerald, and the sand is stark white and soft, like sugar. There's nothing like it. I've honestly never been a huge fan of the Atlantic coast, but since we live here now, I've decided to try to embrace it. And ya know, once I gave it a fair shot, it really isn't so bad. The water isn't a beautiful color, and the sand is more hard-packed and darker in color, but I recently realized that it is amazing in its own way. The beach itself is much bigger, and you can even walk on the beach in your street clothes because the sand isn't so sandy. I think the biggest difference is the lack of high rise buildings, which gives the Atlantic coast an advantage; it has a relaxing, peaceful, serene, almost spiritual vibe to it. Versus Club La Vela. 
My parents finally decided to try it out, and the condo they rented was awesome. We headed over there on Sunday afternoon and intended to spend the entire week with them. We had a great time playing on the beach and watching the kids chase each other, dunk each other under the water, and cover each other in sand. And try to solicit the large group of 20-somethings for their hooka. 
Don't act like you aren't jealous of that My Little Pony swimsuit.
Things seemed fine until my Daddy's stomach started hurting terribly. It got worse and worse, and eventually he had to go to the ER at Mayo Clinic, and he was then hospitalized for 4 days with pancreatitis. So that cut our beach trip short, but I didn't care about that at all. I was just hoping my daddy would be alright. He was released yesterday and is back home doing okay. Whew

After we got back to our house, we had a somewhat laid back week. I baked a set of chocolate caramel cakes for my sweet neighbors, and Vivi indulged in getting to lick the bowl and spatula. That was always my favorite part of "baking" with my mama and nana as a child. Getting to lick the bowl. Who doesn't love that?
Get it, girl
Other than that, we have been just chilling at the house, going for walks, visiting the neighborhood playground, and eating refusing the dinners I make. The next child who denies eating my food is gonna have hell to pay. Mama don't play like that. 
To be fair, I can see why they may not want to try my homemade pumpkin cheesecake oatmeal. And that's cool with me.
We are looking forward to our last laid back weekend before Alex heads to Atlanta for about a month and a half of Delta training. I forget if I mentioned that Alex recently got hired at Delta, too, along with flying F-15s on the weekend. We are really proud of him and are looking forward to flying standby being part of the Delta family! I think we will watch some football and that I will go with my neighbor to a local nursery to pick out some plants and flowers for my yard. Because I cannot die a Southern lady without knowing how to garden. I. Will. Conquer. This. Garden.

A few Friday Faves:
  • I am dying for a pair of riding boots, and these are some of the prettiest affordable ones that I have seen in a while. LOVE them. The only downside for me is that my legs are the length of a 4 year old, and I'm pretty sure they would come up to my upper thigh. #shortlegproblems
  • I'm also loving these booties for Fall, and these might be a little more reasonable for my short legs. I heart the little steel toe accent, too!
  • I am dying to try this pumpkin pecan croissant french toast bake. It just doesn't fit into my "lose 15 pounds" plan. But my goodness, I have naughty dreams about this. 
  • Have y'all tried the LUSH v-neck t-shirts yet? They're the best. They're super thin and incredibly soft. Sometimes I even sleep in mine. I have a camo one that I'm in love with and wear all the time, but I can't find a link to it, so here is a link to a very similar one. It goes with almost everything, and I am really into that army green for Fall!
  • If you're a Game of Thrones fan and a board game fan, then you're definitely going to need this Game of Thrones Monopoly set. I literally have about 5 different games of Monopoly in our house, but I cannot confidently say that I will be able to pass this up. It's too good. 
  • We all know I love Kendra Scott, and I am OBSESSED with the Fall line. These granite earrings are my absolute favorite, and I needed them yesterday. Mark my words, these will be mine. They would go with absolutely everything, and I love the natural, organic vibe to them.  (Bonus points if I could score the granite necklace).
  • I've been really into marble lately, and one of the most affordable, useful things I've picked up is this marble paper towel holder, which I really like a lot and would recommend.
  • I know the weather here is still stupidly hot and humid, but it's almost October, and October means it's time to bring out the buffalo plaid. Normally I only wear a good menswear looking buffalo plaid button down shirt, but I have been noticing some fun, feminine pieces out this season. Check out these:
                                                      * sheer buffalo print peplum top

So cute, right? I am just anxiously waiting to feel a Fall breeze!
Hope y'all all have an awesome weekend!

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