Scenes From a Weekend

Monday, May 18, 2015

 I don't care what the calendar says; Summer is definitely here. It is hot in Florida, and the best way to keep cool down here are the splash pads. Where were these when we were kids? I remember water parks, but not like this. There are two great ones close to our home, and we will be frequenting them a lot this Summer. I was in the middle of making homemade salted caramel on Friday morning when I decided to take the kids on an impromptu play date at the Children's Park splash pad with a friend. Bobby had a blast running through the different areas with his pals, and Vivi was hilarious toddling around in her little bikini like a priss. She also managed to take a break from being a bikini boss to eat some mulch. Because that's what one-year-olds do.
 I co-hosted a baby shower at my home on Saturday. Hosting parties at your own home with two babies is a tricky endeavor. I had to toss Alex and the kids out the door late Saturday morning to do my last minute cleaning. There's no point in doing that ahead of time because they're just going to mess it up. The shower was a baseball theme, and it turned out really sweet. I created a new cake recipe that may be a new favorite. It was a chocolate cake with chocolate-caramel truffle chunks baked in, filled with alternating layers of caramel cream cheese and chocolate buttercream, held together with a caramel buttercream, and topped with homemade salted caramel. And holy crap, was it amazing. It was decadent and sinful, and I will be sure to post a recipe soon. I ended up making it a naked cake, so there's really no decorating skill needed for this one! And I used the leftover salted caramel to make homemade caramel popcorn. I've never been crazy about caramel popcorn, but apparently that's because I've never had it homemade. It's a whole different ballgame this way, believe me. I'll post a recipe about that sometime soon, as well, because I promise it is worth it!
 Sunday afternoon was beautiful and hot, so we decided to head on down to the splash pad at Destin Commons for a little water fun. I saw the sno-cone truck and had an inkling that Bobby may be obsessed with one, and I was certainly correct. He woofed down the sno-cone and then stood in front of the stand for about 5 minutes afterward, soliciting the vendor. Finally the vendor just gave him another one; I guess he felt sorry for the poor little dude. That goes to show you that if you want something badly enough and your heart is pure, magical things will happen ;)
Daddy taught her the art of the subtle boob grab. Awesome.
We are getting ready to leave on a romantic, childless trip to Italy on Tuesday, and I am getting a little antsy about leaving my sweet babies for 9 days. I know they will be totally fine with my parents, and it's not that I think anything bad will happen...but I've never been away from them for longer than a weekend. Certainly never in a different country. So I'm trying to get all my baby love in before we leave.
 Last night Alex and I sat on our sofa eating Cracker Jacks and watching the Mad Men finale, which was SO GOOD. I must have cried three separate times. I'm sad that the show is over because I have watched it from the very beginning, but it ended perfectly. 
Now we are looking forward to a big Monday filled with errands, doctor visits, and packing for our trip. Hope you have a great week! XO

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