Fitness Thursdays- Getting Started

Thursday, November 6, 2014

From here on out, my Thursday posts will be workout posts, focusing on specific movements for toning or full 30-45 minute long workouts, complete with pictures and descriptions.  Today, let’s get you started with what you will need, as well as reassurance that I’m not a crazy workout-girl, who will try and lead you into three long hours of gym-time. 

Yoga Sculpt Class- Misawa AB- I miss all of my class regulars!  
I am a certified yoga instructor, focusing in Yoga Sculpt, and an accomplished runner.  I have 19 marathons under my belt and numerous other races.  Yes, I am faster than your average bear, but not so fast as to be sponsored (I’m working on that).  Despite my husband’s claims that I am crazy for running so many marathons, what you should know is that I am actually very normal. 

I workout to be healthy, to feel wellness throughout my body, and to be able to eat what I want to eat, which sometimes includes a cookie. I don’t spend countless hours in the gym, because 1) I hate the gym and 2) I want to spend my time with my family.  I have no desire to be in a body competition or to survive on twigs and celery.  I am a mom, who wants to be healthy, to have outlets where I am an individual and not defined by other people, and I want to be supportive of other people achieving those same goals. 

Photo edited by my talented friend at Laura Iris Photography.

There are always excuses not to workout, and I think most women find that excuse through their children in the form of guilt.  I have it too.  I feel guilty for putting my child in the stroller when we could be playing instead.  I feel guilty for choosing to run without my furry children, because they make frequent stops and can’t go very far or fast these days.  Most of the time, I wake up super early to get my workout time accomplished without feeling guilty.  I am a solo parent A LOT (hello, month 5!), so I am always telling myself to have a healthy balance of my time, my son’s time and pup time.

I love teaching yoga sculpt classes, because it combines the lengthening movements of yoga with weights.  A lot of women do not use weights, because they either don’t know how or are intimidated to use the weights in the big gym with all of the mirrors.  Lifting weights is important in maintaining bone density and toning muscles, and it can all be done AT HOME with very few “weights” other than your body.   
My very own at-home gym. Not crazy looking, right?
The workouts that will follow in the coming weeks will use the following equipment, and using my infomercial voice, your at-home gym can be yours for as low as $50. 

1) Either a treadmill, stationary bike/bike trainer (you can also utilize the great outdoors with a track or measured distance).
  • You don’t really appreciate a treadmill until you have a child.  I used to curse treadmill days.  Now, I lovingly pat my treadmill every time I walk past it. I paid $300 for my treadmill off of craigslist, and that baby had never been used more than 4 miles.  Most treadmills collect dust in people’s homes… When buying used, jump on the treadmill for just a few quick strides to make certain it doesn’t feel weird.  Then, ask the owner if they have ever noticed the belt slipping.  If they have no idea what you’re talking about, buy that treadmill immediately.  If they know what you’re talking about and say they have fixed it, walk away.  I know how to fix a slipping belt on the treadmill, because I have put countless miles on it.  You don’t want my treadmill.    
  • Stationary bikes see less use than treadmills, because they are awful.  But the Biggest Loser people use them all of the time, and there is a reason why!  Buy a used one for about $50. 
  • Bike trainers are more expensive, and you need to have the road bike already, so this is the most expensive option. But if you have the road bike already and afford to invest in a trainer, they are your least noisy option (if you have a wee baby sleeping nearby), and in all honesty, I LOVE mine.    
2) Resistance band or hand weights- $13

I have both and enjoy being able to switch it up.  I have a medium resistance band and 6lbs hand weights.   I will include lifts utilizing both, so if you choose just to have one of these options, you’ll still see how to do the motion.    

3) Yoga mat- $15

Unless you have a specific heated class that you do or you enjoy going to yoga classes frequently, the cheapy from Walmart will work. 


I have a slightly less than 3-year-old child who naps and sleeps until 7 most days.   A lot of women are not that lucky.  My workouts are designed to be your time, a time when you have a sleeping child or are at home alone.  If you have a kiddo who just doesn’t sleep or is going through a clingy stage, check out my great friend Kendall’s business Jamberri Fit.  She gives you some exceptional videos on how to incorporate workouts with a child around you, because she knows firsthand what you are going through.   

See you next Thursday for a killer workout! 
Time to fly,

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