Is it Friday?

Friday, May 8, 2015

Is it Friday? I wouldn't know. 
I went in for my final surgery Wednesday, and I have do you say...incapacitated since then? Recovering from surgery is one of my new favorite past times, as it involves online shopping and Netflix. But I am really, really excited that this whole thing is finally over. 
I think they are, too.
You know what I am loving most on this Friday afternoon? The shower I just took. This was my first shower in 30 days. Literally 30 days. And I'm not rounding up. I've been sponge bathing, of course, but I was under strict no-showering orders due to the wires I had hanging out of my back for weeks. Now those who know me well know that I really hate taking showers. It's such a pain when you're a woman and have all that hair to wash and to shave, and then blowdrying, and then curling, and then the makeup. Ugh. The whole thing is just too much effort. So I am always looking for an excuse to get out of showering, and I was secretly excited when I got the orders to stay away. But there's something totally different when the option is taken away from you. I felt so disgusting after a while. I started having dreams of hot showers. So when I got the clear to take a shower today, I spent almost a whole hour in there. I'm clean. I'm wire-free. It's glorious. 

The kiddos are beginning to outgrow some of their clothes, so I've been doing some browsing while laid up in the sick-bed. 
Apparently we just don't wear clothes at all anymore.
While Vivi definitely doesn't need a new swim suit at this time, this retro green two piece with the matching swim cap has my attention. Summer clothes are out and about at all our favorite stores, and they aren't disappointing! This little tulip-backed romper is the cutest, as is this embroidered dress, and this little kitty cat romper. I just love summer time with little girls; rompers and sundresses are so much easier than leggings and layers! As for boys, summer time is a time of jean shorts and tank tops (who can resist a little boy in a tank top? I die). These distressed shorts are on my list, and I love these tanks from crew cuts and gap. This onesie tank is adorable for even the tiniest of summer dudes!

Another thing I am loving right now is thinking about our trip to Italy! That's right, Alex and I are heading to Italy for a week at the end of May--without the beasties! We are doing a day in Munich, a little bit of Rome, and then spending most of our time in the Tuscany region. I can't wait to ride Vespas in the sunset and eat gelato all day! I've made the decision to finally get rid of my sad pair of rainbow flipflops that I've worn since freshman year of college. They have served me well during my travels for ten years now, but it's time my feet grow up. So I'm looking for a cute pair of comfortable summer shoes that I can walk in and travel with. So far I am looking at these Melissa flats in nudey pink, or these crocs pointy flats in black (did I actually just say I'm considering croccs? These are pretty cute, though). I'm also looking for a pair of nude/tan/cork wedges that would give me a nice vertical boost without being ridiculously tall. All my wedges are 5", and they're just too high to chase beasties around in or travel in. Maybe I've become a wuss since having kids, I don't know. But if anyone has any recommendations, please let me know!

I'm really excited to pick out my own Mother's Day present this year! Is that bad? I'm eyeing a few pieces from Stella & Dot: this quartz duo, these drop earrings in bright green, and this multipurpose gold statement necklace are all on my radar (as is this laser-cut tote bag), but I haven't made any decisions yet.
On an unrelated note, Bobby is obsessed with dogs now. We don't have any pups at our house, but all of his grandparents do, and he had the best time playing with them during our recent jaunt to Atlanta. He tries to act like a dog; he runs after them, lies down with them, and says "woof woof" the entire time. It's the sweetest thing and makes me wonder if we are depriving him of something special by not having a dog in our own house. 
And last but not biggest favorite thing of all from this week is my brand new artwork! 
Vivi had not one, not two, but three birthday celebrations--all of which were tons of fun and minorly disgusting to clean up after. 
We were going for a kind-of Braveheart theme.
She received so many amazing gifts from so many sweet people who love her, but the most special gift of all is the portrait that our family friend painted. She painted an awesome picture of Bobby that she gave us on his first birthday, and lest Vivi feel left out, she painted a matching one of her. 
I know I don't have that many rolls!
I adore both of them because they truly express the personalities of our children. They aren't those mortician-like still life portraits that most people paint. These portraits are gorgeous depictions of real, breathing, imperfect (in the most adorable of ways) tiny people. I can't wait to hang them side-by-side in our dining room for everyone to see! More on that later. 

I hope you all have a fabulous Mother's Day Weekend! 

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